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Labor, Rest and Nervous System Management
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Thematic Forum
The ability of people
What has opportunities a person? How did start us? Where is the boundary between illusion and reality? Other
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Communication and knowledge
Here you can discuss any topic of interest. This moneybox new ideas and hypotheses. You can talk about themselves and the news.
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International Who's Who?
Information and discussion of goods and services to «market for human development»
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Practical knowledge and research (development psychology)
Life and personal experience
Description of personal experiences, insights, domestic discoveries, findings and exits. The facts of domestic life.
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The Office of the nervous system online
Senior help younger. We discuss personal experiences of human development. People freely Course share the results here.
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Need help!
Traditional ways of solving problems has not worked. What should I do? Simple advice.
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Exchange of experiences
Requests for supervision. Reports of seminars and trainings.
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Let's talk
Scheme of discussion: new topic> the question> comments of participants.
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Administrative Section
Bulletin board
If you want to make an announcement or leave a link to web-resource, then come here
1 0 Tuesday, 2008-12-09, 1:15 PM
Thread: Moon tells
Posted by: alligater
Archive - Test forum
Material for analysis
2 3 Tuesday, 2008-12-09, 11:59 AM
Thread: Avatar
Posted by: Eho
Here is offtop, bad themes and messages to Moderators
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Additional information
Visitors: 1  (members - 0, guests - 1)
All-time high attendance 12 reached on Monday, 7:54 AM, 2016-07-11.
Forum statistics
Total of 3 threads created, which have 3 replies.
85 members registered. Greetings to our new member vicky5522kumar.