There is a conception about God or gods in all religions
(except for the Buddhism). This is alive and personal creatures
separated from the nature and concerning the person. There are four
proofs of the God life exists: theological, cosmological, ontologic and moral. The teleologic proof consists in the purposeful author of the world organization. Cosmological proof
induces us to admit the universal creative force evoked the world from
the nonexistence. The ontologic proof in general is planned from our
consciousness concept about "god". We imagine the god as the absolute creature. But to imagine the god absolute and to add life to him only
in our imagination, means to contradict own imagination about God
absolutely (because what exists actually and in imagination is more
perfectly than what exists only in imagination).Thus it is necessary to
conclude, that the god as an creature has life not in our imagination
only, but also actually. The moral proof is based on idea of punishment
and on the requirement from the practical reason of the Supreme moral
ruler, necessary for realization of the moral law - for the
establishment of harmony between virtue and happiness of the person. There
is uncnditional requirement of the moral law in our conscience which is
not created by us and which does not occur from the mutual agreement of
people as a public paradigm. Indivisibility of the moral law with the
human being spirit and his independence from us lead to to the conclusion, that the author of it can be one Supreme legislator of the world. The main disputable item in definition of the Deity is the question about personal God, belonging to this or that faith. The
Christian God is without beginig, is infinite, is eternal, is
unforgettable, is not created, unchangeable, immutable, simple,
incorporeal, invisible, intangible, unlimited, boundless, unknown,
incomprehensible, is good, is just, powerfull, the Almighty, All-seeng,
Thinker, Lord and the Judge. The god is only, i.e. one creature; He is
learnt and is in three hypostasis, i.e. in the Father, the Son and
Sacred Spirit. Father, the Son, and the Sacred Spirit are only in
everything, except of nonbirthes, birthes and outcome. The
only-begotten Son, God Word and the God, for the sake of rescue of a
human family, by the goodwill of the Father and assistance of Sacred
Spirit, have conceived permanently. Was born so imperishably from
Sacred Deva and Virgin Maria through the Sacred Spirit, and the Son has
become the perfect person. He is together and the God is perfect, and
the person is perfect, from the two natures, the Deity and mankind. He
(is learnt) from both natures, by mind and by will, active and
autocratic. He was craved, thirsted, was troubled, crucifyed, he has
accepted the death and burial, has revived in three days and comes to
the heavens. Whence He came to us and again will come. The Holy Writ
and all synod of Sacred is testifies about it. The
Greek gods are humanoid, they have history and a genealogical branch.
This concerns pagan gods (slavic, hindu, African, American Indian,
other). There is the personal god deduced from the analytical reasonings by any subject (person). Asfollowsforexample. ...
The relation to the god is at three levels of perception. Proceeding
from the theory of a universe, each person himself has created the
world, and therefore he is the god in it. The majority does not know
about it, therefore they create their own system of the supreme forces
which actually submit to the certain laws and are no more than tools
for influence on this world. It is the foreground. The second plan
consists that everything, that really exists is the supreme reason
(SR). There is no neither spaces, nor time. Such reason cannot think,
since there are no categories of thinking. Actually, what about he can
think? Imagine the brain which has been switched - off from all sense
organs. And, it never have this organs . But its intelligence has huge
potential, and necessary conditions for existence of life are created
by concepts. (Shall assume I create new concepts: " kirna "," vatra ","
saro " and a verb "to sobit". For example, if " vatra is sobing kirna
", than can the " saro to sobit kirna "? Example from the life: everybody heard, that Mendeleyev has seen the table in the dream. So he created it himself. And then the new
elements just had to be writen in it!) SR has created all the concepts
we using now and the person - only a part of these concepts. So, the
god - is everything what exists in our
understanding! We shall go at the lowest level of perception: the god
is a creation of people. It is original creature, feeding by the belief
of its flock. The more people trust in the concrete god, than the god
more real and possesses greater authority. The god is as collective
reason of all the creatures which existing or were exist. A principle
here like this: if only I believe, that I can call a snow in June than
it hardly will turn out. There is a chance If I will be with my friends
but it's not enough. And if all th Moscow area
will concentrate simultaneously on this desire and will believe in its
opportunity... Nobody knows that will turn out, since nobody tried... There is a common understanding of the god. ... The god is higher, deeper, stronger than our human mind, and we can speak only about what the God makes, how He shows himself, what is His properties. ...
If we shall start to give any individual characteristics and properties
of the god than he will not be a god for someone and that's mean that
he will not be a god. ... What kind of device fixes the god? ... What is real God? ... Nobody can explain you, what is God!? ... To understand the God and His role is possible through the understanding and comprehension of His qualities only. ... The god cannot be seen. The easiest way to perceive Him for human logic is to perceive Him as universal energy of Love, i.e. pure, creating force. So,
the opinions about the god are various, are dissimilar, express the
estimation of the relations, are imagined or seeming, are significant
by the quantity, are justified by the necessity, are caused by the
representation about morals, substantial, can be replaced with one
force to another. What kind, who and what is god in the reality? We
have representation about Logos, based on the own mental researches.
How far this knowledge are true? First of all, researches are connected
to the accent of reason when the analytical-metaphysical exarticulation
based on the culture of memory is stopped. This perception is not on
the basis of known five sense organs and representations of mind. It
is under construction of the third alarm system functions or ,as it was
determined in early Semitic and aryan culture - on the basis of the
energy centers (lotuses) of the human body, beter to say on the basis
of work of the nervous system. In such perception the images, the
phenomena, relations and quantities act as the factors independent from the subject. They
build the irrational chain connected to the external signals of
irritation. They cooperate among themselves and make in him the life
and the reason. On
the other hand, I shall remind how the modern person argues. Since the
childhood we study to sum up numbers "1+1=2", to read a word "mum". We
were taught by the children's establishments, colleges and institutes.
As a result, the knowledges collected in the reason as sing symbols
which means some relation, the subject, a predicate, circumstance-representation. It
is the advanced paradigm of communicative artificial connections. For
example, " the tree is green ", "the day is clear ", "the river is
flows". Having connected these signs, we can imagine some picture of
the nature. Similarly, on the basis of analytical luggage it is
possible to construct the circuit about the God. Is the analytical
exarticulations of reason real to position of the Nature?.. Was there
even one discovery on the basis of a subjective way of knowledge?.. The
table of elements has dreamed to D.Mendeleyev. N.Tesla made his all
inventions in consciousness. I.Njuton has seen a gravitational field in
a falling of the apple and the idea strike him. There is a joke in the
scientific world: having made discovery from the irrational ideas, then
it is necessary to dress it up in a logic circuit and to connect with
mathematical model. The Bible is created from revelations of prophets
which saw the prophetic dreams and visions of the Sir. Therefore
the real research - is a sufficient condition of the new perception.
Further, researches have been filled with light and it's beter to say
about it as about inspiration. Such condition was dragged out on a
month, years... Probably, the condition became for us as a way of life. Lightisuniversalestimationoftheknowledgevalidity. Not the experiment - is criterion of the knowledge validity. It is not applicable for the checking of the life forms variety and
ways of the life (for example, in spiritual - moral sphere or for the
explanation what is life); it can be used as check only for subjective
conclusions and a subjective way of knowledge. And the Light and the
Darkness are real invariant criteria of the phenomena, in particular,
for discovery. Therefore we shall express opinion, that knowledge is
not only new , it's apply for a real state of affairs. Second, in
internal mental researches we faced with the supreme force repeatedly,
which it is possible to make hierarchy and to describe qualities and
characteristics of it. It makes a necessary condition for comprehension
of the world and its Deity. The basic qualities of the God (Logos) are caused by the essence of the life. Lets list them briefly. The god is the universal creation which is having "I", soul and a physical organism… 1. For interpretation of Logos's "I" We shall consider ethymology of the Christian word God. In
Russian and in other languages of the slavic origin related to the
Indo-Europian group, the word "God", as linguists consider, is related
to the Sanskrit word bhaga, which means " presenting, providing ", in
turn to an existent from bhagas - "property", "happiness". To speak
about initial sense of the bible god, obviously, we should address to
the roots connected to Jews during an epoch after the Babylon
captivity. This word "Yahweh" is means "I am esm" from the first person of the verb ehieh. The ancient legend sais that Jews during an epoch after the Babylon captivity did not say name Yahweh - because of trembling to the thirds precept: " do not say a name of your God vainly ". Only
the high prist once a year when he entered for "pacing" in the Sacred
place, could say this name inside there. If the regular person or even
the priest in a temple wanted to say something about Yahweh, ihe
replaced the name " I am esm " with other names or said "sky". There
was the following tradition: when it was required to tell "Yahweh", the
person became silent and put a hand to the heart or showed a hand on
the sky, and everybody understood, that the question is about Yahweh,
but the sacred Name was not said. The Jews designated Yahweh on a paper
with a sacred quattrogram (YHWH). Ancient Jews perfectly understood,
that there is no such name, a word or the term in a human language which
could tell about essence of Yahweh. Abstaining from pronouncing of the
name Yahweh, Jews showed, that it is possible to joint Yahwew through
the reverential and quivering silence and not through the words and
description... In
a year of 325 the first Universal Cathedral, which could formulate the
Christian doctrine, has removed the word Yahweh from the bible text.
Different meaning of Logos's "I" using in the
modern translations. In Russian and in other languages of the slavic
origin related to the Indo-Europian group, the word "God", as linguists
consider, is related to the Sanskrit word bhaga, which means "
presenting, providing ", in turn to an existent from bhagas -
"property", "happiness". The Greek word theos occurs from a verb theein, meaning "to run". First people,
which lived in Hellas, esteemed only those gods which still are
esteemed by many barbarians: the sun, the moon, the ground, stars, the
sky. And as they saw, that all this always runs, making circulation,
and the name of gods were given from this nature of run. In
languages of the German origin the word "God" - English - God, German -
Gott - occurs from a verb which means " to kiss the ground ", to fall
in worship. (the Reference - " Restoration of the divine precepts
meaning and influence on mentality of the person "). Unfortunately, the human culture can tell nothing more about a monad "I". Let to describe this question, proceeding from the psychophysical researches. "I" of the Logos it is a unique original monad which is contrast of the general, typical, collective and group. Ithasstructureanddifferson: Corporal
"I" which is connected to the self-identity of Logos, with its last
experience, with a physical body and with own actions. And
true "I" which is expressed as the Spark of Light (in yoga - atma). The
spark of Light is decenter and independent object from the organism and
soul; acts as a global criterion of the Order and Chaos, Goods and
Evil, distinction of external energy. Evolution of "I" is connected to
accumulation of internal energy by the sincerity, expressing original
feelings, truthfulness and frankness. After achievement of the critical
energy the Spark "blows up". Its
energy change protogenic life and the universe is born. Thus our
universe was born. In such universe we, people, alien forms of a life,
a planet, a galaxy and others exists. The purpose of Logos's universe is research of essence of the LIFE. Alive creatures, the person in particular have original "I" too. We are able to generate our own universe. The universe will differ with it's purpose of existence and it will act as creation of the creature, the population of the new universe will name this creature the Creator. For the Earth civilization is possible to allocate 108 universal individualities playing the determining role for a planet Earth and evolutions of consciousness. Their names, qualities and approximate position in hierarchy of Logos: the Legend or Spark of light which has generated the universe;
The creator; Power of the female beginning or the universe; Honeyeye or
Agne the god of Fire ; the Haven; Heaven Architect (Shiva) or the Star
Sky; the Supreme Validity or Emi; Bodyless; the Tree; the Bull; Heaven
Conception; the Cow; the Dog; Bullsign; the Clarified spirit; Father or
the Teacher; Time; Death; the Light source; the God of the Earth or
Gabr; the God the Wind or Vau (Sky); the God of the Water or the Gay;
Generating the Sun; the Architect of demons; Personifying; the Founder
of the Laws; Seven generated by the reason; sacrifice of gods or true
"I"; Mother; the Sun; the Defender of mankind and descending to the
Earth or an avatar; the Creator of a spear, of the hardness and
smashing power; Victorious; Beautiful wing; the Moon; the Goddess of
the Earth; the Six-year Child; Obstacles
Eliminater; the Form of the Sun or Hors; the Primogenitor of mankind;
Tsar of justice; Tsar of titans; the Lord of contemplation; Tsar of a
solar dynasty; patrimonial Priest; the Governor of the Venus; Governor
of the Merkurija; the Governor of the Mars; Slowwalking or the Jove;
The lord of the Kubera riches; Tsar of the lunar dynasty; the Dawn;
Twilight; Light; the Lord of any zeal; the Founder of flesh; the Bearer
of a life; the Persecutor of the darkness; the Lord Dymoznamennyj
(smokesign); the Founder of art; the End of art; the Carrier of art;
the Shelter of the immortal; the Goddess of success and prosperity;
four periods of time (4:3:2:1); twelve months; four periods of the year
or Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter; the Wheel of time; the Source of
vital force; the Observer of the creature; Protection of a world order;
the Banner of True or Issitha; Chariot; the Ocean; the Cloud; the
Shelter of the creatures; the Receptacle of all creatures; the Gates of
the sky; the Gates of creations; the Gates of rescue; the Sky of gods;
Treasure; Gold; the Soul of everything or Salvaterae; center of the
friendliness. These
eight hundred of the great spirit - the first for the people. Each
person with pure heart which, having betraid by contemplation to the
best of great spirit, will be rescued from melancholy, forest fire and
water abyss, will find execution of all the treasured desires cherished
in heart.
The termination of articles