Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
Lecture 9. How the person's nervous system (mentality) THOUGHT accepts and formulates?
Address with a question (pray) to any spiritual siphons, for example, to the Mother to the Earth, Zeus, Porki (the Greek goddesses of destiny), to Jesus Christ, Mahomet, Sacred, Mriti (Vedic the goddess-joginja of Death), to aliens, for an exception to Logos (the lesson № 7 see)... To Address to modern earthman there is no sense! We will remind, that for interaction "organism-life" the verbal reference in a silent condition express (the lesson № 6 see).
The Thought sending: your internal state in pressure to the parietal centre will pass (burning, spiders, scratching). Operate mentality and find a mental resonance when pressure will disappear. DESCRIBE - what has thus occurred. (Thereby, for the first time criterion of that the THOUGHT has left from you to a reference subject, and as any references are really sent, questions or prays you realize).
Reception of Thoughts: Further petals of the parietal centre will answer. It is clear on burning (to spiders, pressure, scratching on a cinciput). The psychophysical effect means, that you have received the answer. Again search for such mental condition when pressure in the nervous centre disappears. At a resonance in a mental condition it will be expressed, which you in adequate understanding, words or images will formulate.
Expected results:
You a lot of external energies will feel.
After the previous lesson № 8 at you, the new feeling is an understanding "what on colour the accepted thought" will arise . Light, colour, black. It is obvious, that accepting light thoughts you with internal light will be filled, accepting grey - in you will darken. In connection with it, the accepted thoughts on internal reaction of your organism experimenting and investigating. Let's result colour of thoughts:
«to Play a sport lotto» - in mentality darkens. To "Aspire" - in mentality neither darkens, nor brightens. It is neutral thought. «What do I do? I live … I go … I Think... I Look... I Rejoice to people... I Mature... I Search for the correct relation to game in a sport lotto... We will be together with the spouse... I Can play, I can not play a sport lotto... I Can make the wrong choice figures... I Hope for the God... » Are light thoughts.
Understanding, that in the mental world along with positive forces negative exist, which send dark thoughts and commit perjury.