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Labor, Rest and Nervous System Management
Develop Psychic Abilities
We are learning how to safely manage the nerve currents
Lecture One. How to choose a goal?
Lecture Two. What can I do to achieve the goal?
Lecture Four. What interferes the management of the nervous system and internal work?
Correct direction
Lecture Five. What testifies about the correct line of inner work?
Silent state
Lecture Six. How to develop silent mental state? What is the flaw in character?
Lecture Seven. How to use the nervous system for the criterion of the relationship with God? (with illustrations)
Lecture Eight. Definition of “what Man is” and what role does “I” play for the nervous system?
The Thought
Lecture Nine. How does the nervous system of the man (psyche) accept and formulate a THOUGHT? (with illustrations)
Visual images in the mind
Lecture Ten. Tricky nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition (with illustrations)
Sounds of mind
Lecture Twelve. Temporal nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition or remote hearing
Reason and the goal
Lecture Thirteen. What gives the first triad nerve centers to achieve your goal?
Spiritual helpers
Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
The speech
Lecture Sixteen. How does the throat nerve plexus influence the speech? Opportunity to get rid of tuberculosis (with illustrations)
Lecture Seventeen. How to change the type of relationship on the basis of cardiac nerve center? Improving cardiovascular activity
The epigastric center
Lecture Eighteen. Research of the epigastric center functions range – from sensing of energy fields to their management
Lecture Nineteen. The negative and positive effects of prostate nerve plexus on the psyche. Bright type of Love
Lecture Twenty. What does the sacral nerve plexus responsible for? Management of the mental state of “knowledge, faith and conviction”
Lecture Twenty-One. Criteria for managing events (events) on the basis of the nervous system
Examination: the 1st relaxation method of LONGEVITY on the basis of the prostatic center functions
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Main » College of Develop Psychic Abilities » Visual images in the mind

Lecture 10. A tricky nervous plexus, as criterion of remote perception
The Prologue: Between eyebrows there is a tricky nervous texture (Sanskrit. - adgna) which has millions synapsis and signalling on which in hundreds times above than on periphery of nervous system (silt see. point. 6). A nerve ganglion co-operating with external life, further nervous flows in the central nervous system arrive and images of remote object form.  To such statement there is an acknowledgement. As show images of Hindu gods it is vertically put eye which  to the adherent gift of "remote sight»gives without the help of the body eyes. In the book «Satchakra Nirupana the Tantra» this nervous centre  as an eye of knowledge is mentioned  (djnana chakra) which «is similar to a flame of the big lamp». It is spoken in it (p. 37): « When the person in an internal concentration deletes the mind from object and clears up djnana chakra or a tricky plexus, he sees on this place a shining spark, and then - a bright flame which is to the shining morning sun between sky and earth  similar ». In this flame there  « a third eye » is. This spiritual eye or an eye of intuition which also  Shiva's eye names. It is necessary to underline, that ability of perception and visual keenness by means of a tricky plexus,  of distance and time do not depend . It contradicts a modern science about the perception mechanism. As is known, force of interaction at macrolevel decreases proportionally to a square of its distance, and rigid radiation stops the screen of a certain thickness (for example, gamma beams - the iron screen in the thickness in one foot, space beams - the lead screen to two metres in the thickness). Beams which are perceived by "the third eye», named sometimes N-beams, the force on any distance do not reduce, by any material barriers do not stop . It specifies in their thin material nature. They not only by space are not limited, but also not dependent from it.  Modern sensitives speak (yogin Svami Shivananda): « Precisely how there  rays of light through glass pass, or X-rays through opaque subjects, yogas by means of the internal spiritual eye subjects behind a thick wall can see, the letter maintenance in the sealed envelope know, or treasures under the earth to find ».

A temporal nervous plexus

6 - A tricky nervous plexus

It is possible  4 steps of " spiritual sight " to allocate.  In the first step of vision are images or their parts in strange illumination, unusual shades of colours, as a rule, without communication with a direction of intellectual associations sighted. Visions flash suddenly and cause sensation as though you from mind activity take off. They with activization of a tricky  nervous plexus are connected and to mind associations very similar.  Naturally, there is an assumption, that these visions are hallucination or mind representations. However,  it not so. First, the tricky perception , when the person  in resonant interactions with remote object enters, comes. If the resonance is not present, then the tricky centre remains strained. Mind thus can work, substituting associative chains. If them to consider for true position then pressure of nervous system increases,  feeling of a dissatisfaction causes. We reject or we try not to notice intellectual associations, searching for a mental condition at which pressure in the nervous centre will disappear. And here is strain disappears. Thus in mind some picture of object is formed. This and there is a resonance "the person-removed object". We trust this picture, as to a real position of the things.  Secondly, the western psychology feeling lost before irrational channels of perception which is known since the most ancient timeses, it is necessary to try to develop this ability to about it to speak. In other words, before something to contend, it is necessary to get acquainted with a subject. To speak, not knowing a subject is an indicator of poor spirit. Listeners get acquainted with such vision on College studies. About other levels of perception in following employments.

The task. Set any purpose: to see the sea, wood, horizon of white clouds... The Purpose should be simple, without emotional colouring, thirst and desires. If eyebrows point will strain , means, the organism  answers and works. Further search for a mental resonance as it is possible to tell: "relax more deeply". It means, to give big freedom to flows and energies of the organism. Pressure will disappear in eyebrows  and,   what wanted, in reason you will see   . We will remind, it is initial level of remote vision. It is given in clear for mind images. If you see an angel it does not mean, that it is such (only on the third and fourth levels of development of nervous system there perception of multidimensionality of objects comes).

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Category: Visual images in the mind | Added by: alligater (2008-12-09)
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1 Sunar  
Kristin,What a GREAT WORK OF ART!This is wonderful!Theresa, Thanks for the IDEA I think this would be a great piece for the ftuure wedding and Reception!What a Perfect Moment Captured forever!Donald BeyerFather of the Most Awesome Gentleman in the WORLD!Thank you LORD!

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