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Labor, Rest and Nervous System Management
Develop Psychic Abilities
We are learning how to safely manage the nerve currents
Lecture One. How to choose a goal?
Lecture Two. What can I do to achieve the goal?
Lecture Four. What interferes the management of the nervous system and internal work?
Correct direction
Lecture Five. What testifies about the correct line of inner work?
Silent state
Lecture Six. How to develop silent mental state? What is the flaw in character?
Lecture Seven. How to use the nervous system for the criterion of the relationship with God? (with illustrations)
Lecture Eight. Definition of “what Man is” and what role does “I” play for the nervous system?
The Thought
Lecture Nine. How does the nervous system of the man (psyche) accept and formulate a THOUGHT? (with illustrations)
Visual images in the mind
Lecture Ten. Tricky nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition (with illustrations)
Sounds of mind
Lecture Twelve. Temporal nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition or remote hearing
Reason and the goal
Lecture Thirteen. What gives the first triad nerve centers to achieve your goal?
Spiritual helpers
Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
The speech
Lecture Sixteen. How does the throat nerve plexus influence the speech? Opportunity to get rid of tuberculosis (with illustrations)
Lecture Seventeen. How to change the type of relationship on the basis of cardiac nerve center? Improving cardiovascular activity
The epigastric center
Lecture Eighteen. Research of the epigastric center functions range – from sensing of energy fields to their management
Lecture Nineteen. The negative and positive effects of prostate nerve plexus on the psyche. Bright type of Love
Lecture Twenty. What does the sacral nerve plexus responsible for? Management of the mental state of “knowledge, faith and conviction”
Lecture Twenty-One. Criteria for managing events (events) on the basis of the nervous system
Examination: the 1st relaxation method of LONGEVITY on the basis of the prostatic center functions
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Main » College of Develop Psychic Abilities » Heart

Lecture 17. How to change type of interrelation on the basis of the cardiac nervous centre? Improvement of cardiovascular activity.
the cardiac nervous centreHeart is gate to soul. Same gate to Paradise (Heaven). Same the Eternity World. Same a way the outer space exploration and to be to it commensurate. Here the Tree, which roots  (nanoworlds) get to Ocean Elzy, and Branches rise to the Sky Trues (megaspace)  can grow ...
Garden of Eden, which blossoms in heart (bible.),  will be in detail  at University considered. Now we study to open the heart maintenance, to hear its wisdom and to choose correct mutual relations. A result of the given lesson is ability of the nervous mechanism of regulation and the control of a psychoemotional nervous overstrain or sharp improvement of cardiovascular activity. More in detail illness of heart and treatment .

Lesson 1: Today you search for the correct relation to the world, people, native, work, acquaintances, friends, other. Set any goal, which is connected with interrelation. Also look at organism reactions. The warm nervous centre will strain. Internal work begins with this moment. Search for such mental condition when pressure will disappear. Here then you will be filled with a relation kind. It is literally.
Neither images, nor sounds are not assumed. However they can arise as accompanying if the top triad works, for example, a tricky plexus. The main thing, it to feel relation change (at the initial stage - not always realise).

Lesson 2: Research of the meaning of heart. We will remind: the person consists of three components - it is a spirit, an organism and soul (lecture № 8 see). You start to communicate. With last you begin to communicate from this time. Work of tricky perception is necessary for task execution. Put the purpose to look: what does   in heart volume contain and what Space is here? You will answer these questions yourself.

Lesson 3: We continue work with Heart. It will be a question of vice. Usually with it earlier get acquainted  (lecture № 6 see). With it   blind belief in the best overcome. If vice is not opened, then we will be engaged in it. Vice - is congenital quality of soul which is given at the first blow of heart, which the Church  an original sin names. It is possible to look here "soul and the mental phenomena" more in detail. Opening of soul vice is natural occur. No need  to strain. Again address to heart, feel in it the World. Look more deeply and more deeply. And there on "bottom" of soul IT is. Vise will rise and will join through heart to nervous system and mentality. And you realise the congenital negative quality. Will be terrified. Further you should pay attention to a complex of vibrations in the nervous centres to extinguish negative vibration of mentality. If it not to do,  then depression for some months is provided.

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Category: Heart | Added by: alligater (2008-12-09)
Views: 1332 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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1 Ibolya  
pammy i stand and apluapd your courage, and i look forward to "reading" your work... you go girl!!...p.s. it's not a terrible move to get out of the auto industry... he he...

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