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Labor, Rest and Nervous System Management
Develop Psychic Abilities
We are learning how to safely manage the nerve currents
Lecture One. How to choose a goal?
Lecture Two. What can I do to achieve the goal?
Lecture Four. What interferes the management of the nervous system and internal work?
Correct direction
Lecture Five. What testifies about the correct line of inner work?
Silent state
Lecture Six. How to develop silent mental state? What is the flaw in character?
Lecture Seven. How to use the nervous system for the criterion of the relationship with God? (with illustrations)
Lecture Eight. Definition of “what Man is” and what role does “I” play for the nervous system?
The Thought
Lecture Nine. How does the nervous system of the man (psyche) accept and formulate a THOUGHT? (with illustrations)
Visual images in the mind
Lecture Ten. Tricky nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition (with illustrations)
Sounds of mind
Lecture Twelve. Temporal nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition or remote hearing
Reason and the goal
Lecture Thirteen. What gives the first triad nerve centers to achieve your goal?
Spiritual helpers
Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
The speech
Lecture Sixteen. How does the throat nerve plexus influence the speech? Opportunity to get rid of tuberculosis (with illustrations)
Lecture Seventeen. How to change the type of relationship on the basis of cardiac nerve center? Improving cardiovascular activity
The epigastric center
Lecture Eighteen. Research of the epigastric center functions range – from sensing of energy fields to their management
Lecture Nineteen. The negative and positive effects of prostate nerve plexus on the psyche. Bright type of Love
Lecture Twenty. What does the sacral nerve plexus responsible for? Management of the mental state of “knowledge, faith and conviction”
Lecture Twenty-One. Criteria for managing events (events) on the basis of the nervous system
Examination: the 1st relaxation method of LONGEVITY on the basis of the prostatic center functions
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Main » College of Develop Psychic Abilities » Dogmatism

Lecture 20. For what a sacral nervous plexus answers? Mental condition "knowledge, beliefs and convictions" management.
sacral nervous plexusSanctity and righteousness,  mental level management "confidence, knowledge and adherence to principles" (activities causal chain and roads of the destiny changing)  with activity of sacral  nervous plexus is connected . Other spectrum of the centre influence on mentality is an extreme degree of adherence of the person to any beliefs or views and intolerance to any other sights, for example, religionism. A boomerang effect - uncertainty in itself, constant doubt and suspiciousness, at last, psychasthenia. This raised mood, the impellent excitation, the accelerated thinking, garrulity. The person self-confidently believes, that he knows all. Return action is connected with weak-mindedness development (oligophrenia and dementia), to    psychophysical changes of all organism leading, in particular, to brain change. At last, this madness  by proof systematised delirium-conviction of prosecution, jealousy, exclusiveness of its person or the invention characterised. Thereby, influence on mentality of this nervous centre incomprehensibly for human mind, also to the most deformed perception of the reality caused by a special condition of mentality and false representation can lead.

The task: you are familiar practically with all centres, except sacral  nervous plexus (a point. 75, petals 74, 76, 77). Transfer here attention. When pressure will disappear, you will feel three possible mental conditions (or their total actions), they are  belief, knowledge and creed. It is energy, which does not contain in itself, neither subject of the knowledge, nor an image of belief, nor a creed theme. The Centre very important since  power of our understanding paints.

PS (for those who is not devoted in the previous materials): Pulsations in the nervous centre (in any) are their response on purpose, by operator of the organism puted. The resonance comes when the mental condition is found and pressure in the nervous centre disappears. In this case it (centre) actively starts to function, changing polarity of nervous system. Functions of the centres are different: from reception of thoughts to  level of belief in something change.

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Category: Dogmatism | Added by: alligater (2008-12-09)
Views: 5263 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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1 Komarudin  
When I talk about the chakras, pelope get intimidated. they think I'm preaching some sort of yogi religion. I think its a very interesting topic. Have you read Yoga and Ayurveda ? Its not only about Ayurveda, its a lot about the subtle body. Anyhow it explains the chakras very nicely. It was a on my must read list for my 500 hr training. I think its amazing how certain poses help open up certain chakras and agitate others.

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