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Labor, Rest and Nervous System Management
Develop Psychic Abilities
We are learning how to safely manage the nerve currents
Lecture One. How to choose a goal?
Lecture Two. What can I do to achieve the goal?
Lecture Four. What interferes the management of the nervous system and internal work?
Correct direction
Lecture Five. What testifies about the correct line of inner work?
Silent state
Lecture Six. How to develop silent mental state? What is the flaw in character?
Lecture Seven. How to use the nervous system for the criterion of the relationship with God? (with illustrations)
Lecture Eight. Definition of “what Man is” and what role does “I” play for the nervous system?
The Thought
Lecture Nine. How does the nervous system of the man (psyche) accept and formulate a THOUGHT? (with illustrations)
Visual images in the mind
Lecture Ten. Tricky nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition (with illustrations)
Sounds of mind
Lecture Twelve. Temporal nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition or remote hearing
Reason and the goal
Lecture Thirteen. What gives the first triad nerve centers to achieve your goal?
Spiritual helpers
Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
The speech
Lecture Sixteen. How does the throat nerve plexus influence the speech? Opportunity to get rid of tuberculosis (with illustrations)
Lecture Seventeen. How to change the type of relationship on the basis of cardiac nerve center? Improving cardiovascular activity
The epigastric center
Lecture Eighteen. Research of the epigastric center functions range – from sensing of energy fields to their management
Lecture Nineteen. The negative and positive effects of prostate nerve plexus on the psyche. Bright type of Love
Lecture Twenty. What does the sacral nerve plexus responsible for? Management of the mental state of “knowledge, faith and conviction”
Lecture Twenty-One. Criteria for managing events (events) on the basis of the nervous system
Examination: the 1st relaxation method of LONGEVITY on the basis of the prostatic center functions
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Lecture 21. How to manage events (circumstances) on the basis of nervous system? (With illustrations)
At many of you these nervous endings one or more  times  were active  and you asked: for what they answer, is more detailed how with them to work?  
We represent open quantum system with uncountable number of flows energeis in it. Management in such internal potential to open organism possibilities allows. One of abilities, management of pressure of thoughts by help of flows energies in organism is. As thought processes are in a direct communication with our activity, ability is equivalent to management of circumstances and changes of a physical life. For this purpose  four "stations" which are on a parietal nervous plexus, we have. parietal nervous plexus

First pair of the nervous endings is closer to the main geometrical axis (a point. 3), is  allows to trace a flow of thought and their branching, there where «the thought branching» an actual choice existence: to make the decision, to prefer, to act  anyhow. The flow of energy in the left nerve ganglion assumes negative changes in the mental world and, accordingly, an unsuccessful choice in a physical life, whereas right - lifting to more light horizons in the mental world and a positive choice for the physical life, leading to "flying up" or successful circumstances. 

Following external pair of petals (a point 4) it is responsible for qualitative change of  thought flows in the mental world and, accordingly, to destiny change. Quantum flows in the left nerve ganglion "cut" mental tubes, further with the help of a parietal lotus energies look through flows of thoughts, find a necessary flow of thoughts, at last, with the right nerve ganglion energy, "connect" a mental tube to a new flow and look through to what mental changes have resulted . On the physical plan change of thoughts  flows to new destiny of the person corresponds. Here an example: petals 3 and 4, connected with pressure, flows and changes of thoughts, and accordingly,  events in the mental world, have then strained. I have felt, that I can make one thought more strongly, another is weaker, but to cut off something and to attach to other thought beside me was not got, though there was a comprehension, that it is possible.

Task: choose any unsatisfactory state of deals (circumstances) in which strictly understand this course of events are not  correct . Further put the purpose - to change on such and so (specifically). The purpose (by the way which  not by one paragraph in Russian signs and  letters is described ) by speechless condition express (the lesson № 6 see). One of listed pairs of the  nerve ending will answer. Search for a mental resonance further. When will find, then change of pressure of thoughts will begin. Thus, the course of the chosen events will change. At last, track how circumstances further have changed.

Lesson we on two subtasks will break:
  • Change of a personal condition
  • Social position change.
For the second problem take a state of affairs in the country, on the Earth Ball, other.
Yes, if you choose something negative then there and then will understand, that  accept action incorrectly.
Wish you successes!

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Category: Events | Added by: alligater (2008-12-09)
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