Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
Examination. A 1st relaxation method of health improvement on the basis of the prostatic centre functions studying
From all centres (charkas, lotuses) which strictly correspond to nervous plexuses of a human body, there a prostatic centre (see lecture № 19) is. It defines, first of all, ability to stressful situations resist and high endurance, harmonious interaction of systems of an organism whether it be cardiovascular, digestive, cognitive or other system, possibility of high flexibility of mentality and, at last, force of a sexual potentiality. It causes high tolerance to stresses, endurance, dexterity of physical movements and a sexual attraction. The general principle in prolongation of a healthy life in management and work of the prostatic centre is expressed . Natural activation of functions of a nervous plexus between an anus and a genital, and also its activity, becomes the goal. With work of the prostatic centre you are a little familiar. In particular, know, that negative energy bring a physical pain and can start chronic sexual illnesses. You in the same way capable to distinguish energies. Reception light energy becomes your task. Distinguish and diffuse their you will be able on sensations (such ability thanks to that part of individuality which we named Light Spark and with which you are familiar, is possible . See lecture 8). So, you put intension - a rejuvenation and beauty. In your organism the prostatic centre will answer. It in the excited condition will come. Your task begins to find such mental condition when pressure in the centre disappears. That means that positive nervous vibrations in a nervous system resonance and spread. Thus, the mentality is positively polarised. One of prostate petals passes under buttocks (a point. 79) also it is connected with Harmonies energies. The beauty of a body, expressive eyes, a direct nose, bright lips, consummate lines of a figure, a grace step, as well as creativity products, speech, a birth of the beautiful form of thought, are taken from this petal. More precisely nervous flows polarise mentality according to these qualities. After certained time of the work with prostate energies, you will apprehend some images of youthful or juvenile. Since this moment you can stop studies (or move to following 2nd level of studies on longevity; about this technics later). Further, correction of flows of the prostatic centre take independently some times in a year. This it is enough to restore the organism and actively live for a while 100-120 years. Prospective time of lesson execution from one week till one months.