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Labor, Rest and Nervous System Management
Develop Psychic Abilities
We are learning how to safely manage the nerve currents
Lecture One. How to choose a goal?
Lecture Two. What can I do to achieve the goal?
Lecture Four. What interferes the management of the nervous system and internal work?
Correct direction
Lecture Five. What testifies about the correct line of inner work?
Silent state
Lecture Six. How to develop silent mental state? What is the flaw in character?
Lecture Seven. How to use the nervous system for the criterion of the relationship with God? (with illustrations)
Lecture Eight. Definition of “what Man is” and what role does “I” play for the nervous system?
The Thought
Lecture Nine. How does the nervous system of the man (psyche) accept and formulate a THOUGHT? (with illustrations)
Visual images in the mind
Lecture Ten. Tricky nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition (with illustrations)
Sounds of mind
Lecture Twelve. Temporal nerve plexus as the criterion of intuition or remote hearing
Reason and the goal
Lecture Thirteen. What gives the first triad nerve centers to achieve your goal?
Spiritual helpers
Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
The speech
Lecture Sixteen. How does the throat nerve plexus influence the speech? Opportunity to get rid of tuberculosis (with illustrations)
Lecture Seventeen. How to change the type of relationship on the basis of cardiac nerve center? Improving cardiovascular activity
The epigastric center
Lecture Eighteen. Research of the epigastric center functions range – from sensing of energy fields to their management
Lecture Nineteen. The negative and positive effects of prostate nerve plexus on the psyche. Bright type of Love
Lecture Twenty. What does the sacral nerve plexus responsible for? Management of the mental state of “knowledge, faith and conviction”
Lecture Twenty-One. Criteria for managing events (events) on the basis of the nervous system
Examination: the 1st relaxation method of LONGEVITY on the basis of the prostatic center functions
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Main » College of Develop Psychic Abilities » Obstruction

Lecture 4. What to the nervous system management prevents?
For execution of this lesson the following problems sequentialy solves:
1) It is internal unresolved problems and the bad external organisation for mental  lessons execution .
2) Not distinction in a mental condition "desire" and goal-setting "decision".
3) The efforts on the purpose achievement directed, more poorly, than speed of a ball of destiny deployment (or external circumstances).
4) From internal pressure in mind, following stages develop: surrender, distracting images, delights, benefits, doubts.
5) The following sources of sufferings and misfortunes existence. Five they are:
  • ignorances or the erroneous understanding, connected with fundamental perception temporary as eternal, false as true, painful as pleasant, and vice versa;
  • own individuality or egoism;
  • overindulgence, where insatiability, an excessive dream or an exhaustion from a sleeplessness, an inclination or passivity are incoming;
  • disgust or unacceptance which on the basis on memoirs of sufferings and  pain, connected with any idea or a subject, arises;  
  • aspiration to possession which the external life attachment, including an inclination and aversion from aspiration to things proceeding, a material life, fear of losses and death, is reduced.  
All of them thanks to erroneous ideas, arise. During the different moments of time, sources of sufferings can be sleeping, easy,  preventing and strong. Their influence  by positive character traits is weakened and with a speechless mental condition of the goal-setting or contemplation, completely break down.
In a counterbalance to five sources of sufferings and misfortunes, six positive character traits, to which the person it's  will and determination in the course of self-education and self-preparation directs, are defines:
  • Pacification of mind, in which result   unceasing eruption of impressions of the past is stops , but it remains in rest until its intervention, for example, for goal-setting,  is required.
  • Pacification of a body or  its  action and perception organs so that they stayed in silence and rest until their functions will not required.
  • Disappearance of desire to possess certain subjects and attachments to propinquity of certain people; thus, is accepted means, accompanying the present moment, offered by world.
  • Patience and endurance; acceptance of external conditions and destiny developments, so under any circumstances the person neither displeasure, nor an impatience does not have .
  • Fidelity and sincerity,  what  self-trust and trust to another are. It not blind belief, but the trust, by validity and efficiency caused.
  • Dedication own life to the purpose is opposite to wastes of energy and time for abstract temptations and interests; it is connected  with hardness and purposefulness, the conversion of all available forces collected together to a certain problem.
Positive character traits together with an insight (distinction veritable "I" - 8th lesson), consciousness freedom (impartiality of thinking) and internal prompting of perfection (a spiritual dissatisfaction and hunger), make four means, with which help, man, who  to management of the nervous system aspiring, begins capable to define the way to the purpose.
6) Anxiety from false thoughts. The True thoughts remind the voiced procession of the springtime… Literally!
After the decision of these problems, surrounding life qualities of expediency gets, and the invisible world opens marks, on which disclosing of internal potential  is possible to rely .

In general standard for this class is a state of grace.
This criterion is fundamental to Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, as well as modern schools, training and systems development human.

Additional materials (Automatische Translator):

Nervous plexus and nerve channels currents

Category: Obstruction | Added by: alligater (2008-12-09)
Views: 2517 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
Total comments: 1
1 Thibault  
It was dhgelitful reading your description of the talk by Wolf Kahn. I felt like I was at the event. When I visited your blog I think it is safe to say you were one of the hotshots.

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