Lecture Fifteen. Search for the answer ‘Who is the near spiritual helper for you?’ on the basis of the first triad of the nerve centers responsible for the sensing criterion and ‘I am’
Lecture 6. How to develop silent a mental condition? What is the fault of character (vice of the nature)?
This lesson consists in achievement of a speechless mental condition (internal intention), expressing the chosen sign speech. In a lexicon of a speechless mental condition, be it Russian, English or Chinese language, symbolical speech appears invariant. The person comes to the first horizons of general communication, when developing this ability. It has the same values for representatives of unearthly civilisations. Just on such condition, the organism reacts.
Choose any simple combination of sounds, for example, the apple, death, a human body, the Universe, physical culture to run, go, green, seventeen, the river, a grass, other. Accent mind and search for a speechless mental condition which expresses the chosen word. Look on examples of the description of a mental condition when mind representations is accented and, to consciousness, freedom is given.
The word "death" in language of a speechless mental condition, meant eternal and close to a word "Creator".
Words "Creator" and "Universe" are identical.
"Murder" is unequivocally connected with "hell". "Suicide" with a purgatory, where there is only a unique ray of light.
«The human body» is connected with ugly roughness.
«Logos Body» - is beauty.
The word "melancholy" is connected with drying up energies.
By mental condition of a word "to treat" it is possible to clean a pain in a body and mind.
With Mental condition «to move a subject», surrounding forces for object movement strain.
The mental condition "I" (individuality) has no mental condition.
Accent of reason continue to expand to feel the similar. Besides, learn to operate a mental condition, passing with one speechless condition on another, using new words and phrases.
The task: Concentrate on the chosen word (phrase) and in internal world direct mentality to expression this words by a speechless condition. More deeply and more deeply. And continue until will start to switch on (or to strain) the nervous system. More often strain occurs in various parts of a brain, on the face or the cardiac centre (breast), peripheral plexus less often switch on. In other words, in a speechless condition the nervous system, as the third signaling, is switch on. And strain of flows of the nervous system - is a criterion of a speechless condition, achieved by the person Try to survey one word, then another and describe your internal sensations. Whether you distinguish your transition from one condition to another?
Expected results:
In this lesson the person understands a mental basis of words, phrases, paragraphs, which from these times are expressed by a mute condition.
Flexibility of mind and mentality is got.
A cogitative activity and the nervous system are improbably strongly activated.
Comes understanding that it's that language, on which is possible to communicate with life, to receive answers and to influence on it.
The sensation of a bottom of soul (inner world) where defects of the lowest sphere are collected, is possible. Defects will start to rise from internal measurements, to infuse in to you, to deform and prevent of raised qualities and abilities appearance. To remain one on one with rough psychic outpouring it is impossible. To continue development, the movement initiative assign to the first-rate qualities: on a self-confidence and The God. This unique mental lesson, where the blind belief is necessary. Thus, you will open a source of your spiritual defects. At one person it is a fear, at another is an ignorance how to bring up children, at the third is Gorgon's sight , at the fourth - aggression … (is more detailed about defects in 17th lecture).
That's why one of my ptiiriroes for survival in a crisis is a warm, dry, SAFE, place to sleep. Where your mind can be free to rebuild and replenish, but my wake up and listen to that unusual noise' switch is on and I wake up at night for strange noises.I am actually in white right now. I am in my computer room and the nearest outside door is ~40 feet away. I can hear any movement on the cinder surrounding the house or down the driveway and I hear none I can hear the doves if they decide to take flight but they are happily eating the grain I put out for them. I don't have a fenced yard, so I don't have a dog as a pack-mate. But that is another practical way to be able to stay in white. You establish and maintain a comfort zone. Believing it is also a safe zone is a stretch. It is a comfort zone because I have time to react.If I go outside, however, I revert to my time in Viet-Nam and my time as a Deputy Sheriff and I go to orange. It's not stressful after all these years it's merely being engaged in the here and now time and place instead of daydreaming about being in another place and time. It's looking around instead of talking on the phone. Ask a fighter pilot. Ask a cop from a fast area. You are always heads-up'. If someone decides to kill you and it happens all the time either for no reason or for no GOOD reason, you can't be late to that fight. YOU want to choose what's going to happen. I prefer to run away because going to guns with someone isn't my job anymore. But I'm old and I can't outrun anyone. I can't fight a younger man anymore. A teenager with a machete and bad intentions is a deadly threat to me. I need to get inside their head and figure that out before they get inside my ability to stop them. That adage about old men is true. Don't pick a fight with an old man. He's too old to fight; he'll just kill you.